CBDLab Results


NatEdge is committed to providing premium CBD products. This means securing third-party lab testing and making the results available for every single one of our CBD products. Here’s an overview of how to read our lab reports – the results from our manufacturer's labs and those from third-party labs. 

How to Read NatEdge Lab Reports

First, you'll see the Certificate of Quality Assurance. This document tells you exactly what is and isn't in the product. The Certificate of Quality Assurance includes product information such as the lot number, the manufacturing date, and active and inactive ingredients. Below that, you'll seean analysis of the bulk oil and its CBD content, terpenes and physical attributes of the hemp oil.

Next, you'll see the thrid-party reports. These reports reference the end product -- the product you use.

Here are a few things to understand in those reports:

  • Cannabinoid Content: This is a look at the isomers of CBD and THC. Some labs report non-detectable or ND for THC content. Other labs use Limit of Quantitation or <LOQ, meaning the test product doesn't contain enough of the ingredient for sensitive lab equipment to measure. Whether it's indicated as ND or <LOQ, it means the product is THC-free.
  • Pesticides: Similar to THC measurement, you'll see a reporting of ND or <LOQ if no pesticides are present. This pesticide testing covers 59 different pesticides.
  • Microbiology: This covers microbial contamination, particularly yeast, mold, salmonella and E coli. This testing looks at current contamination and the ability for those microbes to grow in the future. these tests abide by USP regulations for limits on microbials.
  • Heavy metals: This includes arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury, which all all heavy metals that can be found in soil and be present on manufacturing equipment. This testing adheres to California's rules, which are the strictest in the country.

Thrid Party CBD Lab Report Example

Spring Street Vitamins

3316 Princeton Road

Fairfield Township, OH 45011



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